【イベント】湘南T-SITE  第2回 湘南でかなえる自分スタイルの暮らしフェア

[Event] Shonan T-SITE 2nd Live your own style f...

NONA participated in the fair held at Shonan T-SITE for the first time. 2nd Live your own style fair in Shonan Living/Lifestyle Building 1 2nd floor Event space Wednesday, September...

[Event] Shonan T-SITE 2nd Live your own style f...

NONA participated in the fair held at Shonan T-SITE for the first time. 2nd Live your own style fair in Shonan Living/Lifestyle Building 1 2nd floor Event space Wednesday, September...


Notice of price revision

I have an important announcement today. We will implement price revisions for NONA's plant-dyed yarn from 11am on November 1st. The online shop will be closed on November 1st due...

Notice of price revision

I have an important announcement today. We will implement price revisions for NONA's plant-dyed yarn from 11am on November 1st. The online shop will be closed on November 1st due...

【イベント】9/8-24 CHARKHA チャルカ 大阪 

[Event] 9/8-24 CHARKHA Osaka

September is finally here! This is the long-awaited POP-UP event at Charka in Osaka. Have you ever been to Charka's newly renovated store? The warmth of wood and Eastern European...

[Event] 9/8-24 CHARKHA Osaka

September is finally here! This is the long-awaited POP-UP event at Charka in Osaka. Have you ever been to Charka's newly renovated store? The warmth of wood and Eastern European...

夏季休業のお知らせ 8/11-16

Summer vacation notice 8/11-16

NONA will also be on summer vacation. Summer vacation 8/11(Thu) -16(Tue) Stores and online shipping will be closed. In particular, for online shipping, orders placed by 10am on August 10th...

Summer vacation notice 8/11-16

NONA will also be on summer vacation. Summer vacation 8/11(Thu) -16(Tue) Stores and online shipping will be closed. In particular, for online shipping, orders placed by 10am on August 10th...


[Exhibition] NONA Temari Classroom Works Exhibi...

\\NONA Temari Classroom Temari Works Exhibition// #nonatemarifes2022 The temari exhibition will finally begin this Friday, where 71 student participants of NONA's temari class will be able to view 242 temari...

[Exhibition] NONA Temari Classroom Works Exhibi...

\\NONA Temari Classroom Temari Works Exhibition// #nonatemarifes2022 The temari exhibition will finally begin this Friday, where 71 student participants of NONA's temari class will be able to view 242 temari...

【イベント】枚方 蔦屋書店 T-SITE 刺し子フェア2022「ワクワク刺し子ライフ」

[Event] Hirakata Tsutaya Bookstore T-SITE Sashi...

[August POP-UP information] We are participating in a fair being held at Shugei lab. on the 4th floor of Tsutaya T-SITE, Hirakata. Thankfully, it has been well received, so we...

[Event] Hirakata Tsutaya Bookstore T-SITE Sashi...

[August POP-UP information] We are participating in a fair being held at Shugei lab. on the 4th floor of Tsutaya T-SITE, Hirakata. Thankfully, it has been well received, so we...